Assessing the effectiveness of automated email marketing campaign to retain customer loyalty

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Nur ‘Atiqah Farihah Binti Shifhuddin


In this research project, researcher will be explained about assessing the effectiveness of automated email marketing campaign in order to retain customer loyalty. The purposes of this research are to examine the effectiveness of automated email marketing campaign and to investigate the reasons why it can retain customer loyalty. The methodology chose by researcher is quantitative research where the survey will be conducted to collect data that will be extract to perform mathematical techniques. The data collected will be identified regarding the effectiveness of automated email marketing campaign to retain customer loyalty and analysed using SmartPLS software. The results gain from this research is there will be a reason on why automated email marketing campaign is chose in order to retain customer loyalty. In addition, result also revealed that the variables used in effective automated email marketing campaign will gives difference data towards on how it can retain customer loyalty and it shows that the frequency and outstanding content have relationship between the customer loyalty. However, relevant database has no relationship between the customer loyalty. The implications and limitation will be explained further in conclusion.

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Assessing the effectiveness of automated email marketing campaign to retain customer loyalty. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 9(1), 73-101.
Research Article

How to Cite

Assessing the effectiveness of automated email marketing campaign to retain customer loyalty. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 9(1), 73-101.


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