The Impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and relationship marketing on relationship maintainer and customer loyalty by mediating role of customer satisfaction

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anam bhatti
sumbal arif
Marium Marium
Sohail Younas


CSR has become one of the imperative implements in satisfying customers. The impartial of this research is to calculate CSR, relationship marketing, and customer satisfaction. There is no more study accompanied in Pakistan to quantify the effect of CSR and relationship marketing on the relationship maintainer and customer loyalty. To find out deductive approach and survey method is used as research approach and research strategy respectively. This research design is descriptive and quantitative study. For data, collection questionnaire method with semantic differential scale and seven point scales are adopted. Data has been collected by adopting the non-probability convenience technique as sampling technique and the sample size is 400. For factor confirmatory factor analysis, structure equation modeling and medication analysis, regression analysis Amos software were used. Strong empirical evidence supports that the customer’s perception of CSR performance is highly influenced by the values

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How to Cite
The Impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and relationship marketing on relationship maintainer and customer loyalty by mediating role of customer satisfaction. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 4(4), 19-24.
Research Article
Author Biographies

anam bhatti, university of sargodha gujranwala campus pakistan

Business Management

sumbal arif, university of sargodha gujranwala campus pakistan

Business Management

Marium Marium, university of sargodha gujranwala campus pakistan

Business Management

Sohail Younas, Lecturer, Department of Management Sciences, University of Sargodha Gujranwala campus; Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, University of Punjab Gujranwala campus

Department of Management Sciences,

How to Cite

The Impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and relationship marketing on relationship maintainer and customer loyalty by mediating role of customer satisfaction. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 4(4), 19-24.


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