Influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intention for existing products: a comparative study

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Raja Ahmed Jamil
Syed Rameez ul Hassan


Advertisement by Involvement of celebrities becomes an essence in modern competitive marketing environment for high recognition and creation of strong product perception. Celebrity endorsement is the main focus of the study where Pakistani and Indian celebrities with their attributes are used for their endorsement effect on purchase intention. A sample of 300 was taken to assess the contrast between Indian and Pakistani celebrity endorsement effects on purchase intention in Pakistan. Similar and competitive brands are chosen which are endorsed by Pakistani and Indian Celebrities separately. Results of the study showed that endorsement through local and Indian celebrities has similar and not much significant influence on purchase intention in Pakistan, with no major difference by country origin of celebrity. In the study consumer celebrity relationship is assessed and confirms that attributes of celebrity (Local or Indian) are not much important for intent to purchase for existing products but quality, brand image and brand loyalty are the key factors for intention to purchase. Implication for research and practice are discussed.


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Research Article

Author Biographies

Raja Ahmed Jamil, University of Haripur, Pakistan.

Department of Management Sciences

Syed Rameez ul Hassan, University of Haripur, Pakistan.

Department of Management Sciences

How to Cite

Influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intention for existing products: a comparative study. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 1(4), 1-8.


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