Sustainability in virtual education: A case study of virtual university of Pakistan

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Bilal Ahmed Abbasi
Ambreen Gul


The penetration of technology has helped in better online learning and training around the world by minimizing the time and space issues coupled with traditional education and training. Regardless of the several benefits, keeping students on online platforms is an arduous task. Taking the case study of the Virtual University of Pakistan, this paper explores the impact of personal and environmental factors on online Leaner’s intention to continue through satisfaction. Primary data was gathered from 361 students of 3 regional campuses through a self-administrated closed-ended questionnaire. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the data in SmartPLS software. The study results indicate that only the provision of satisfying personal and environmental factors by distance learning higher education institutions can help them in attracting and retaining students. The post-COVID-19 situation has made the student intake and retention task even harder as the traditional education institution has also built the capabilities to provide online education and diminishing the niche market of virtual education institutions.

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How to Cite
Sustainability in virtual education: A case study of virtual university of Pakistan. (2023). Journal of Management Info, 10(3), 200-211.
Research Article

How to Cite

Sustainability in virtual education: A case study of virtual university of Pakistan. (2023). Journal of Management Info, 10(3), 200-211.


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