A systematic review guanxi HRM practices, formal HRM practices to improve creative performance in collectivism organization culture

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Uamara Sheikh
Samia Jamshed


This systematic review study argues that guanxi HRM practices, as opposed to formal HRM practices, may improve the employee’s performance in organizations with a collective business culture. To substantiate this claim, three decade published articles; literature from the Sage, Asia Pacific, Taylor & Francis Group, and Emerald journals are reviewed. NVivo software was used for content, coding, and analysis. The results of this systematic review study reveal that informal term of guanxi HRM practices identifies positive and productive outcomes of employees in the collectivism business culture organizations in contrast to formal HRM practices. This study is useful because it also proposes that in the future, academics and HR managers can explore the guanxi HRM practices that adhere to collectivist culture in their organizational culture, particularly in growing nations like Pakistan, both theoretically and practically to enhance employee performance to meet global challenges.

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How to Cite
A systematic review guanxi HRM practices, formal HRM practices to improve creative performance in collectivism organization culture. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 10(1), 37-52. https://doi.org/10.31580/jmi.v10i1.2746
Research Article
Author Biographies

Uamara Sheikh, Department of Business and Management Sciences, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan

Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan

Samia Jamshed, Department of Business and Management Sciences, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan

Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan

How to Cite

A systematic review guanxi HRM practices, formal HRM practices to improve creative performance in collectivism organization culture. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 10(1), 37-52. https://doi.org/10.31580/jmi.v10i1.2746


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