A Parallel Mediation Model of Employee Affective Commitment and HR Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Judiciary of Pakistan

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Muhammad Salman Chughtai
Lenny Yusrini
Ayesha Khanum


Attainment of goals and objectives of every institute lies in the performance of human resources. Public sector institutions and the judiciary as well face the problem of lower-level performance. In today's dynamic and competitive atmosphere, every organization needs to satisfy their employees to attain the optimum level of their skills and competencies to accomplish the organizational goals and objectives. The present study aims to examine the influence of HRM Practices on job satisfaction with the mediating mechanism of HR outcomes and employee affective commitment. Data collected for this study in two-time spans with a stratified random sample of 203 (186 males and 17 females) ministerial employees (Admin Office Coordinator, Senior Office Coordinator, and Office Coordinator) of Lahore High Court (Principal-seat and allied-Benches) to test the hypothesis. Findings of the study unveiled that HRM practices positively influenced the employees' satisfaction level. Moreover, mediation of HR outcomes and employee affective commitment found between the relationship of HRMPs and employee job satisfaction.


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A Parallel Mediation Model of Employee Affective Commitment and HR Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Judiciary of Pakistan. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 7(3), 192-210. https://doi.org/10.31580/jmi.v7i3.1606


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