Potential and prospects of tourism in KP through effective use of e-commerce and tourism operators compatible with the best international practices

Main Article Content

Nohman Khan
Sadaf Latif
Shazia Hassan
Huma Sikandar


Tourism is one of Pakistan's top outstanding development industries because of its attractiveness and novelty. The world is beginning to enter the fourth industrial revolution, which has strongly impacted every nation, business, and person across the globe. In addition, it is generally accepted that the advancement of information and communication commerce is one of the innovations that is transforming the demand for businesses. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is regarded as efficient marketing, selling, and combining online services that may be essential in client awareness, acquisition, and retention. People may also market services through the e-commerce site, which is cheaper and more efficient than the traditional procedure. However, the Pakistan tourism sector is still in the early stages of embracing e-commerce in the tourism sector. The current study aims to determine the potential and prospects of tourism in KP via the appropriate use of e-commerce and tourism operators by the best international standards. In addition, we will examine state approaches and collaboration to implement e-commerce techniques in the tourist industry. We used the PRISMA statement 2020 for the inclusion and exclusion of records for the current study to achieve the objective. Fifty-six papers from the two major databases, Web of Science and Scopus, were included. The VOS viewer is also used to analyse relevant phrase occurrences and classify noteworthy streams. The three primary classifications of the literature identified in the current study for discussing the tourism industry, e-commerce, and travel operators. The present study's findings indicate that adopting sophisticated technologies and digital mediums is critical for developing the tourism industry. The data also demonstrate that developed countries focus on sustainable tourism development to safeguard natural resources while gaining financial advantages for community development. Finally, the practical implications for the tourism industry in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) are suggested.

Article Details

How to Cite
Potential and prospects of tourism in KP through effective use of e-commerce and tourism operators compatible with the best international practices. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 10(2), 107-129. https://doi.org/10.31580/jmi.v10i2.2832
Research Article
Author Biographies

Nohman Khan, Business School, Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UNiKL), Kuala Lumpur, 50300, Malaysia

Tourism is one of Pakistan's top outstanding development industries because of its attractiveness and novelty. The world is beginning to enter the fourth industrial revolution, which has strongly impacted every nation, business, and person across the globe. In addition, it is generally accepted that the advancement of information and communication commerce is one of the innovations that is transforming the demand for businesses. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is regarded as efficient marketing, selling, and combining online services that may be essential in client awareness, acquisition, and retention. People may also market services through the e-commerce site, which is cheaper and more efficient than the traditional procedure. However, the Pakistan tourism sector is still in the early stages of embracing e-commerce in the tourism sector. The current study aims to determine the potential and prospects of tourism in KP via the appropriate use of e-commerce and tourism operators by the best international standards. In addition, we will examine state approaches and collaboration to implement e-commerce techniques in the tourist industry. We used the PRISMA statement 2020 for the inclusion and exclusion of records for the current study to achieve the objective. Fifty-six papers from the two major databases, Web of Science and Scopus, were included. The VOS viewer is also used to analyse relevant phrase occurrences and classify noteworthy streams. The three primary classifications of the literature identified in the current study for discussing the tourism industry, e-commerce, and travel operators. The present study's findings indicate that adopting sophisticated technologies and digital mediums is critical for developing the tourism industry. The data also demonstrate that developed countries focus on sustainable tourism development to safeguard natural resources while gaining financial advantages for community development. Finally, the practical implications for the tourism industry in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) are suggested.

Sadaf Latif, IVY Business School, IVY College of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan

Tourism is one of Pakistan's top outstanding development industries because of its attractiveness and novelty. The world is beginning to enter the fourth industrial revolution, which has strongly impacted every nation, business, and person across the globe. In addition, it is generally accepted that the advancement of information and communication commerce is one of the innovations that is transforming the demand for businesses. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is regarded as efficient marketing, selling, and combining online services that may be essential in client awareness, acquisition, and retention. People may also market services through the e-commerce site, which is cheaper and more efficient than the traditional procedure. However, the Pakistan tourism sector is still in the early stages of embracing e-commerce in the tourism sector. The current study aims to determine the potential and prospects of tourism in KP via the appropriate use of e-commerce and tourism operators by the best international standards. In addition, we will examine state approaches and collaboration to implement e-commerce techniques in the tourist industry. We used the PRISMA statement 2020 for the inclusion and exclusion of records for the current study to achieve the objective. Fifty-six papers from the two major databases, Web of Science and Scopus, were included. The VOS viewer is also used to analyse relevant phrase occurrences and classify noteworthy streams. The three primary classifications of the literature identified in the current study for discussing the tourism industry, e-commerce, and travel operators. The present study's findings indicate that adopting sophisticated technologies and digital mediums is critical for developing the tourism industry. The data also demonstrate that developed countries focus on sustainable tourism development to safeguard natural resources while gaining financial advantages for community development. Finally, the practical implications for the tourism industry in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) are suggested.

Shazia Hassan, Department of Leadership & Management Studies, National Defence University, Pakistan

Tourism is one of Pakistan's top outstanding development industries because of its attractiveness and novelty. The world is beginning to enter the fourth industrial revolution, which has strongly impacted every nation, business, and person across the globe. In addition, it is generally accepted that the advancement of information and communication commerce is one of the innovations that is transforming the demand for businesses. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is regarded as efficient marketing, selling, and combining online services that may be essential in client awareness, acquisition, and retention. People may also market services through the e-commerce site, which is cheaper and more efficient than the traditional procedure. However, the Pakistan tourism sector is still in the early stages of embracing e-commerce in the tourism sector. The current study aims to determine the potential and prospects of tourism in KP via the appropriate use of e-commerce and tourism operators by the best international standards. In addition, we will examine state approaches and collaboration to implement e-commerce techniques in the tourist industry. We used the PRISMA statement 2020 for the inclusion and exclusion of records for the current study to achieve the objective. Fifty-six papers from the two major databases, Web of Science and Scopus, were included. The VOS viewer is also used to analyse relevant phrase occurrences and classify noteworthy streams. The three primary classifications of the literature identified in the current study for discussing the tourism industry, e-commerce, and travel operators. The present study's findings indicate that adopting sophisticated technologies and digital mediums is critical for developing the tourism industry. The data also demonstrate that developed countries focus on sustainable tourism development to safeguard natural resources while gaining financial advantages for community development. Finally, the practical implications for the tourism industry in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) are suggested.

Huma Sikandar, Azman Hashim International Business School (AHIBS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Tourism is one of Pakistan's top outstanding development industries because of its attractiveness and novelty. The world is beginning to enter the fourth industrial revolution, which has strongly impacted every nation, business, and person across the globe. In addition, it is generally accepted that the advancement of information and communication commerce is one of the innovations that is transforming the demand for businesses. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is regarded as efficient marketing, selling, and combining online services that may be essential in client awareness, acquisition, and retention. People may also market services through the e-commerce site, which is cheaper and more efficient than the traditional procedure. However, the Pakistan tourism sector is still in the early stages of embracing e-commerce in the tourism sector. The current study aims to determine the potential and prospects of tourism in KP via the appropriate use of e-commerce and tourism operators by the best international standards. In addition, we will examine state approaches and collaboration to implement e-commerce techniques in the tourist industry. We used the PRISMA statement 2020 for the inclusion and exclusion of records for the current study to achieve the objective. Fifty-six papers from the two major databases, Web of Science and Scopus, were included. The VOS viewer is also used to analyse relevant phrase occurrences and classify noteworthy streams. The three primary classifications of the literature identified in the current study for discussing the tourism industry, e-commerce, and travel operators. The present study's findings indicate that adopting sophisticated technologies and digital mediums is critical for developing the tourism industry. The data also demonstrate that developed countries focus on sustainable tourism development to safeguard natural resources while gaining financial advantages for community development. Finally, the practical implications for the tourism industry in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) are suggested.

How to Cite

Potential and prospects of tourism in KP through effective use of e-commerce and tourism operators compatible with the best international practices. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 10(2), 107-129. https://doi.org/10.31580/jmi.v10i2.2832


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