Positive Psychology in Times of Adversity: Pandemic and Well-being in Daily Life


  • Rosy Kulandaiammal a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:46:"Research Scholar, Christ University, Bangalore";}




positive psychological adaptation, resilience, positive emotions, character strengths, COVID -19



Our life on earth often is dashed by hardships, losses, and crises. Naturally, these adverse life events and tragedies create doubt and disbelief about the meaning of life, and our human mind engaged with helplessness, despair, and negativity. However, human's physical and psychological immune systems have programmed through the evolutionary process of survival of the fittest. It makes us capable of overcoming the threats and adversities and showing greater resilience and courage to respond to the demand. At present, the COVID -19 pandemic has paralyzed human life in all aspects irrespective of the social, economic status across the world in 216 countries, areas, or territories. Pandemic causes panic, insecure feelings about life and death, fear of transmission of infection, and so on. The field of positive psychology studies human strengths and potentials that are the ingredients of our well-being, resilience, adjustment, and adaptation to any adverse situations of life. This review article attempts to show the relevance of positive psychology and how positive psychological adaptation and its constructs help to strengthen humankind in times of adversity.


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