Development and Validation of the Trait-State Personality Questionnaire


  • Roberto Bueno CSU Channel Islands
  • Christian Sandoval CSU Channel Islands
  • Kali Lilienthal CSU Channel Islands
  • Fasha Hayes CSU Channel Islands



personality, psychology, adaptability, satisfaction with life, big five


Although plenty of research has been conducted on the Big Five Personality traits. The present study aimed to develop a scale that measured the Big Five as both a personality trait and state. Two studies were conducted (Study 1, N=597) to examine the internal consistency and structure of the Trait-State Personality Questionnaire and (Study 2=352) to examine the predictive validity by exploring the relationship between the big five and adaptability and satisfaction with life. Overall, the finding revealed good internal consistency ?=.926, predictive validity, and measurement variance. Potential applications of the Trait-State Personality Questionnaire are discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Christian Sandoval, CSU Channel Islands

    Christian is a graduate student studying clinical psychology. 

  • Kali Lilienthal , CSU Channel Islands

    Kali is a graduate student studying organizational psychology.

  • Fasha Hayes, CSU Channel Islands

    Fasha is a graduate student studying clinical psychology.


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