Work to Family Facilitation as a Predictor of Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment and Job Performance in Academia

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Farhan Sarwar
Tahir Masood Qureshi
Siti Aisyah Panatik


Work to Family Facilitation considers that time and other resources spent on the job by an individual can have a positive impact on family life. The current study tests to what extent this perception affects the employee’s level of job satisfaction, affective commitment, and self-rated job performance. A systematic random sample of 293 faculty members from 30 public and private universities of Pakistan filled an online survey. Results from path analysis performed in AMOS indicate that Work to Family Facilitation is significant and positive predictors of all three outcomes variables. Moreover, both job satisfaction and affective commitment mediate path leading from work to family facilitation and self-rated job performance such that job satisfaction precedes affective commitment in the causal chain. Hence by devising family-friendly HR policies, effective job designs and fostering environment that is family supportive will result in enhanced employee performance. Similarly hiring employees with resourceful psychological traits or interventions to enhance resourceful psychological states can result in greater perception of work to family facilitation. Discussion and implications are followed by future research directions.


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Author Biography

Tahir Masood Qureshi

Dr. Tahir Masood is a research oriented academic professional and his interest in finding practical solutions for the industry make him a regular consultant and trainer for the corporate world. Dr. Masood has 36 research contributions in journals of repute, in addition to two books and 15 international conference presentations. Being a member of world high ranked societies like Academy of Management and Society of Human Resource Management, he is actively functioning different roles as a reviewer, session chair and doctoral examiner. In an entrepreneurial capacity, he organizes numerous conferences, symposiums and training for academia and industry. He has a PhD in Human Resource Management, along with World Bank/IFCToT and ToMT Certifications.

How to Cite

Work to Family Facilitation as a Predictor of Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment and Job Performance in Academia. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 6(3), 30-35.


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