Aesthetics of Retailers: An Evaluation of Self-Service, Full Service, and Web-Retailers

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Khurram Aziz


 Organizational aesthetics is a new area of organizational study and relates with a form of human knowledge which a person develops by using his five senses including hearing, sight, touch, taste, and smell. This knowledge of a person is associated with developing a perception about an organization, its purpose, main values, etc. Aesthetics shapes emotions, attitudes, and behavior of people. The aim of this research is to evaluate aesthetics of different service level of retailers of convenience products. Such evaluation of aesthetics of retailers based on service level would become the basis of evaluation of how each option generates value for the customers. Such knowledge will be useful for the organizational decision makers and they can use it to select/adjust service level with the desired level of value. In order to achieve the stated aim, a scientific research was carried out by the researchers. The researchers used case study research methods to analyze the dynamics of retail sales level in order to evaluate related aesthetics. The purpose was to evaluate, contrast and compare the aesthetics of different service levels (self-service, assorted-service, and full-service). The data collected during this research project was exclusively carried out for this research project only and was collected during the month of March 2016. Data was collected from different countries including United States of America and Pakistan. The findings of the research uncovered that style of three diverse retail benefit levels change in view of; design of retail outlet, comfort-related with each type of outlet, cleanliness, basic leadership process, impact of sales representatives, self-rule of purchaser in choosing items/administrations, cost of operations to retailer, speed of administration, assortment looking for conduct, music, sound and video in retail condition, capacity to counsel others, chance to feel items, level of instruction, chance to retailer of association and gaining from clients and shopping at claim speed. Retailers should choose their retailing technique (self-benefit retailing, full-benefit retailing and e-retailer) after a watchful investigation of these variables.


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Aesthetics of Retailers: An Evaluation of Self-Service, Full Service, and Web-Retailers. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 4(4), 1-7.


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