The effect of Workforce Diversity on Employee Performance in Higher Education Sector

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Faisal Khan
Amir Sohail
Muhammad Sufyan
Maaz Uddin
Abdul Basit


Every organization needs to adopt workforce diversity due to which diverse work team every member has different skills, abilities and capabilities to improve organizational performance The objectives of this study are to investigate the relationship and effect between demographic variables especially Age, gender and education background diversity and dependent variable Employee performance among the employees of Higher education sector in Swabi district, KP Pakistan. The data has been collected on cross sectional through questionnaires and simple random sampling technique has been used. The population of this study is 440 faculty members of Higher Education Sector Districts, Swabi KP. Furthermore, the data has analyzed through different statistical technique by using SPSS software .The findings of the study shows that there is positive relationship between independent variables (Age, gender, education background and ethnic diversity) and dependent variable (Employee performance). In last, the study shows the recommendations for further researches and implementation for the individual, organization and policy makers.


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Research Article

Author Biography

Faisal Khan, Department of Management Sciences, University of Swabi, KP, Pakistan

Department of Management Sciences

How to Cite

The effect of Workforce Diversity on Employee Performance in Higher Education Sector. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 6(3), 1-8.


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