The Effect of Quality of Work Life Toward Job Performance and Work Satisfaction at Education Staff in Islamic University of Riau

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Mufti Hasan Alfani
Zulfadli Hamzah


The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of Quality of Work Life toward job performance and work satisfaction at education staff in Islamic University of Riau. This research employs descriptive method and quantitative approach. This research also employs causality or influence relationship model. This research use SEM (Structural Equation Model) Analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS) for data analysis. The results of this research conclude that are: 1) Quality of Work Life affects to the performance of employees with path coefficient value is 0.220147 and t value is 4.91345 (t table 1,97202). It means that the education staff who have a high Quality of Work Life will be able to increase their performance. 2) Quality of Work Life also affects to the job satisfaction with path coefficient value is 0.5787916 and t value is 12.802941 (t table 1,97202). It means that the education staff who have high Quality of Work Life will be able to improve their performance, and 3) Quality of Work Life also affects to the education staff performance with the mediation of work satisfaction with path coefficient value is 0.219740 and t value 6.582756  (t table 1,97202). It means that the education staff who have Quality of Work Life also have high work satisfaction as mediation and will also improve their performance. Further research, it need more variables to analyze for improving the Quality of Work life and education staff performance.

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How to Cite
The Effect of Quality of Work Life Toward Job Performance and Work Satisfaction at Education Staff in Islamic University of Riau. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 6(1), 4-8.
Research Article

How to Cite

The Effect of Quality of Work Life Toward Job Performance and Work Satisfaction at Education Staff in Islamic University of Riau. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 6(1), 4-8.


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