The Effect of Managerial Competencies, Compesation and Career Planning Toward Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction at PT. Bank BTPN Tbk Mikro Banking Division (MUR) Pekanbaru Branch.

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Muhammad Arif


This aim of research is to know the effect of implementation managerial competencies, compensation and career planning toward employee performances through Job satisfaction at PT. BANK BTPN Tbk Micro Banking Division (MUR) Pekanbaru Branch. The number of populations in this research was 71 employee at PT. Bank BTPN Tbk Micro Banking Division (MUR) Branch Pekanbaru. According to sampling qualification, all of population will be used for sampling research. Data collecting method employed questioner within conducted validity test, reliability test. Hypothesis test employed normality test, linierity test, Multicolinearity test, path analysis, F test, and test t. The result of this research found that : 1) there is a significant effect of managerial competencies toward job satisfaction with path analysis of 0,234; 2) there is a significant effect of compensation on job satisfaction with path analysis of 0,233; 3) there is significant effect of career planning on job satisfaction with path analysis of 0,237; 4) there is a significance effect of managerial competencies on employee performance with path analysis of 0,339; 5) there is a significance effect of compensation on employee performance with path analysis of 0,264; 6) there is a significance effect of career planning on employee performance with path analysis of 0,222; 7) there is a significance effect of job satisfaction on employee performance with path analysis of 0,208. This research also found that the most influence factors is the managerial competencies.


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The Effect of Managerial Competencies, Compesation and Career Planning Toward Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction at PT. Bank BTPN Tbk Mikro Banking Division (MUR) Pekanbaru Branch. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 6(1), 17-21.


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