Role of China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Logistic System of Pakistan's and China's

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Ikram Uddin


This study will explain the impact of China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) on logistic system of China and Pakistan. This project is estimated investment of US $90 billion, CPEC project is consists of various sub-projects including energy, road, railway and fiber optic cable but major portion will be spent on energy. This project will start from Kashgar port of china to Gwadar port of Pakistan. Transportation is sub-function of logistic that consists of 44% total cost of logistic system and 20% total cost of production of manufacturing and mainly shipping cost and transit/delivery time are critical for logistic system. According to OEC (The Observing Economic Complexity) currently, china is importing crude oil which 13.4% from Persian Gulf. CPEC will china for lead time that will be reduced from 45 days to 10 days and distance from 2500km to 1300km. This new route will help to china for less transit/deliver time and shipping cost in terms of logistic of china. Pakistan’s transportation will also improve through road, railway and fiber optic cabal projects from Karachi-Peshawar it will have speed 160km per hour and with help of pipeline between Gwadar to Nawabshah gas will be transported from Iran. According to ( Pakistan logistic industry will grow by US $30.77 billion in the end of 2020.


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Role of China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Logistic System of Pakistan’s and China’s. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 6(1), 48-50.


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