Effects of Stock Market Crash on Investors Behavior

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Adnan Ali
Farzand Ali Jan
Mughira Jehanzeb


Stock exchanges crises have remained the major dilemma for countries from many years. This study was conducted to identify the various factors of the effects of stock market crash on investors’ behavior. The crash occurred in March 2005. The data collected was a five-year w.e.f. 2005, which is the primary data and was collected in Peshawar from brokerage houses. The objective of the study was to investigate the perceptions of investors about the main causes of the crash, to observe the relationship between money losses and the shares invested in high and low rated companies. Chi square test was applied to check the difference between before and after crash investment and association among investment in high and low rated companies. During test result it’s been vivid that my alternate hypothesis that is H1 showed significant result reflecting that sentiment are highly influenced by the fluctuations in stock prices. The results declared that there was significant difference between investment before and after crash. It is recommended that the Government should provide transparency system to give a good image to the country.


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Research Article

Author Biographies

Adnan Ali, PhD Student IM Sciences

PhD Student IM Sciences

Farzand Ali Jan, Professor Comsats University of Technology

Professor Comsats University of Technology

Mughira Jehanzeb, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar

MS, Institute of Business and Management Sciences

How to Cite

Effects of Stock Market Crash on Investors Behavior. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 2(2), 13-21. https://doi.org/10.31580/jmi.v6i1.42


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