Reconstruction of Ethnic Identity among Bugis Community In Pontian Johor

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Andi Adijah
Rosman Md Yusoff
Mohd Koharuddin Mohd Balwi
Tariq Ahmad


This study focuses on the Bugis ethnic identity and retention efforts, among the Bugis community in Pontian, Johor. This study used qualitative methods with ethnographic approach through semi-structured interviews, moderate participant observation and documentation. Data were analysed using NVIVO 8 software to assist in the process of transcription and data organization. NVIVO 8 generates data analysis has been prepared based on coding, themes, order and categories. The entire data have been organized checked using triangulation, data, technique and time. The results show that the Bugis ethnic identity, which is still practiced in Pontian until now, is a form of Bugis non-material culture. While maintaining the identity of the efforts made by individuals and groups by way of inheritance of cultural values through the filtering process of filtering elements of culture that is based on Islam, adaptation to local culture and government policy.

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How to Cite
Reconstruction of Ethnic Identity among Bugis Community In Pontian Johor. (2017). Journal of Management Info, 4(2), 5-8.
Research Article
Author Biographies

Andi Adijah, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Faculty of Management

Rosman Md Yusoff, UTHM

Facultu of Sains

Mohd Koharuddin Mohd Balwi, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Language Academy Faculty of Management

Tariq Ahmad, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Language Academy

How to Cite

Reconstruction of Ethnic Identity among Bugis Community In Pontian Johor. (2017). Journal of Management Info, 4(2), 5-8.


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