Financial Development and Stock Traded Contributions towards Economic Growth

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Shehper Maryam Zafar
Nadia Bukhari


This purpose of this research is check the long run as well as short run impact of Financial Development and Stock traded on the economic growth in the scenario of Pakistan. The time series data has taken for the year 1988-2013. This paper utilized ARDL methodology to determine long-term impact of Financial Development and Stock Traded on Economic growth. Further Granger Causality Check has used to check a uni-directional relationship. The results of this test support that FD and stock traded has a uni-directional impact over economic growth. Further, it has depicted from ARDL that there is a positive relationship between FD and Economic Growth as well as Stock Traded and Economic Growth.


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Author Biographies

Shehper Maryam Zafar, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,

Department of Management Sciences

Nadia Bukhari, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,

Department of Management Sciences

How to Cite

Financial Development and Stock Traded Contributions towards Economic Growth. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 2(1), 5-8.


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