From hidden to unhidden: Triple bottom line through the lens of human resources A qualitative perspective

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Ahmad Bilal Khilji
Saif Ul Haq


The concept of Triple bottom line has grasped the attention in multifaceted perspective in literature. The concept's epistemology has frequently been used from a macro perspective. However, the operationalization of the term has overlooked the part that needs to be reconsidered via the ontological lens of HR. The knowledge gap in the literature was brought about by the ontological ignorance of the HR perspective. To fill this knowledge gap, a complete comprehension of the notion was brought into existence through qualitative research. The concept of TBL necessitates investigation under the different paradigm. The study examined the concept through inductive approach under the element of what works of pragmatism paradigm, the seven open ended interview questions were framed by capturing the elements from all three dimensions of TBL. The content and face validity of the questions were examined from the 05 experts from corporate and 05 experts from the academia. Doctors from Pakistan's public hospitals were chosen as the study's unit of analysis. The importance of the respondents' essential roles in the health sector led to their selection. The respondents were asked to answer the questions followed by their remarks about their understanding of the construct. The questions were open ended in nature and just the gist method was utilized for transcription of the data. Field notes, and recording of interviews were also utilized with prior approval. 14 interviews were conducted under triangulation strategy. NVIVO software was used for thematic analysis. Eight themes were extracted from the data for the conclusion of the results. The results showed that the construct had not gain enough attention through the lens of HR and may be used as a TBL HRM practice for the making HR practices as a result oriented tool for the sustainable HR development practices in organizations. The limitations of the study is also discussed.

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From hidden to unhidden: Triple bottom line through the lens of human resources: A qualitative perspective. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 11(2), 160-174.
Research Article

How to Cite

From hidden to unhidden: Triple bottom line through the lens of human resources: A qualitative perspective. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 11(2), 160-174.


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