Perceived organizational support and employer branding approach towards employee retention: Evidence from banking industry

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Sanam Soomro
Erum Naseer Korejo
Asma Hussain
Khalil Ahmed Channa
Muhammad Saleem Korejo


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Perceived Organizational Support (POS) and Employee Engagement (EE) and Employee Retention (ER). It considers three aspects of EE: vigor, devotion, and absorption with POS. The study employs cross-sectional design, and data were collected through web-based and paper-based self-administered survey questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed in the banking industry of Pakistan. A random sampling method was used to amass the data from Managers, Operation managers, Cash Officers, and General Banking Officers. The correlation and regression analysis were done using SPSS-23. The results indicate that POS has a positive and significant relationship with ER. Further, the POS has a positive and significant relation with two dimensions of EE; vigor and dedication contrary to EE-absorption dimension. In short, the workers engage and manage their responsibilities with dedication and vigor in reciprocation to the support and value given by their organization. With regard to employer branding strategies, POS plays a vital role in employee retention. Organizations need to devise such measures to attract and hold employees in this competitive business environment. Among other strategies, a consultative-feedback mechanism among the employees within the organization will certainly enhance employees’ trustworthiness, consequently, would attract, engage and retain personnel in organization. This study tested POS in the Pakistan’s context with a particular focus on banking industry; research on POS in terms of engagement in banking sector is rare. The results submit that firms that hold organizational support system as employer branding strategy flourish in keeping and retaining their employees for an extended time.

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Perceived organizational support and employer branding approach towards employee retention: Evidence from banking industry. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 10(4), 316-331.
Research Article

How to Cite

Perceived organizational support and employer branding approach towards employee retention: Evidence from banking industry. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 10(4), 316-331.


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