The role of human capital, structural capital, and relational capital in higher education institutions performance

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Qalander Buksh Ali
Md. Lazim Mohd Zin
Saiful Azizi bin Ismail


Universities are the centre of knowledge generation; hence they are completely dependent on their intellectual resources. This puts Pakistan's private sector institutions in a difficult position at the moment. They lack all the intangible resources required for more efficient operation of schools; these resources often depend on intellectual capital (HC, SC, and RC), widely acknowledged as an intangible capital of higher learning. Pakistan's higher education system is ranked 150th out of 189 countries, and it lags far behind its neighbours in terms of research output. As a result, the main focus of this research will be intellectual capital as a crucial component influencing Pakistani institutions' success. The most recent assessment identified significant shortcomings in Pakistan's higher education system and offered potential remedies, including the addition of intellectual capital to improve HEI performance. The current study adopts a positivist viewpoint and a logical methodology. Primary data will be gathered using surveys, with the target demographic being directors, HoD’s, and deans of Pakistani universities.


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The role of human capital, structural capital, and relational capital in higher education institutions performance. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 11(2), 185-196.


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