Proactive personality as determinant of entrepreneurial intention: An empirical evidence from management students

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Tufail Nawaz
Rafid Ullah
Muhammad Kamran Khan
Muhammad Hamayun
Ahmad Ali


Present study is an attempt to examine the predictive role of proactive personality towards entrepreneurial intention as entrepreneurial intention is considered as an important predictor of entrepreneurial behavior of individuals. For this purpose, 352 business management students of final year enrolled in various public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan were surveyed. Close-ended questionnaire having Likert type questions about current study variables is used as data collection instrument. Scales for measuring current study variables were adopted from previously available literature. For getting empirical evidences, various statistical tools like scale reliability & validity, correlation and regression were employed. Results revealed that proactive personality is significantly positively associated with entrepreneurial intention and have a significant impact on entrepreneurial intention among university students.

Article Details

How to Cite
Proactive personality as determinant of entrepreneurial intention: An empirical evidence from management students. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 10(2), 97-106.
Research Article
Author Biographies

Tufail Nawaz, Department of Business Administration

Present study is an attempt to examine the predictive role of proactive personality towards entrepreneurial intention as entrepreneurial intention is considered as an important predictor of entrepreneurial behavior of individuals. For this purpose, 352 business management students of final year enrolled in various public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan were surveyed. Close-ended questionnaire having Likert type questions about current study variables is used as data collection instrument. Scales for measuring current study variables were adopted from previously available literature. For getting empirical evidences, various statistical tools like scale reliability & validity, correlation and regression were employed. Results revealed that proactive personality is significantly positively associated with entrepreneurial intention and have a significant impact on entrepreneurial intention among university students.

Rafid Ullah , Department of Business Management, Karakoram International University, Hunza Campus, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan

Present study is an attempt to examine the predictive role of proactive personality towards entrepreneurial intention as entrepreneurial intention is considered as an important predictor of entrepreneurial behavior of individuals. For this purpose, 352 business management students of final year enrolled in various public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan were surveyed. Close-ended questionnaire having Likert type questions about current study variables is used as data collection instrument. Scales for measuring current study variables were adopted from previously available literature. For getting empirical evidences, various statistical tools like scale reliability & validity, correlation and regression were employed. Results revealed that proactive personality is significantly positively associated with entrepreneurial intention and have a significant impact on entrepreneurial intention among university students.

Muhammad Kamran Khan, Department of Management Sciences & Commerce, Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, KPK, Pakistan

Present study is an attempt to examine the predictive role of proactive personality towards entrepreneurial intention as entrepreneurial intention is considered as an important predictor of entrepreneurial behavior of individuals. For this purpose, 352 business management students of final year enrolled in various public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan were surveyed. Close-ended questionnaire having Likert type questions about current study variables is used as data collection instrument. Scales for measuring current study variables were adopted from previously available literature. For getting empirical evidences, various statistical tools like scale reliability & validity, correlation and regression were employed. Results revealed that proactive personality is significantly positively associated with entrepreneurial intention and have a significant impact on entrepreneurial intention among university students.

Muhammad Hamayun , Department of Management Sciences & Commerce

Present study is an attempt to examine the predictive role of proactive personality towards entrepreneurial intention as entrepreneurial intention is considered as an important predictor of entrepreneurial behavior of individuals. For this purpose, 352 business management students of final year enrolled in various public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan were surveyed. Close-ended questionnaire having Likert type questions about current study variables is used as data collection instrument. Scales for measuring current study variables were adopted from previously available literature. For getting empirical evidences, various statistical tools like scale reliability & validity, correlation and regression were employed. Results revealed that proactive personality is significantly positively associated with entrepreneurial intention and have a significant impact on entrepreneurial intention among university students.

Ahmad Ali, Department of Business Administration, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KPK, Pakistan

Present study is an attempt to examine the predictive role of proactive personality towards entrepreneurial intention as entrepreneurial intention is considered as an important predictor of entrepreneurial behavior of individuals. For this purpose, 352 business management students of final year enrolled in various public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan were surveyed. Close-ended questionnaire having Likert type questions about current study variables is used as data collection instrument. Scales for measuring current study variables were adopted from previously available literature. For getting empirical evidences, various statistical tools like scale reliability & validity, correlation and regression were employed. Results revealed that proactive personality is significantly positively associated with entrepreneurial intention and have a significant impact on entrepreneurial intention among university students.

How to Cite

Proactive personality as determinant of entrepreneurial intention: An empirical evidence from management students. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 10(2), 97-106.


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