Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention: A Case of Banking Sector in Quetta Baluchistan

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Palwasha Kakar
Abdul Raziq
Faisal Khan


The main objective of every organization is not only to select the right person for the right job, but also to fascinate and retain them within the organization. Employee retention has considerable importance these days. This research has conducted to investigate how human resource management practices (employee compensation, employee training, appraisal system and employee empowerment) affect retention of banks employees. The data of the research was quantitative survey, where questionnaires were distributed among 180 bank employees of different banks in Quetta city, out of which 150 were returned back. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 18.0. The results of the current examined that there is significant positive relationship exists between human recourse management practices (empowerment, compensation, training and appraisal system) with employee retention. The study also discusses the limitations and recommendation for future research.


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Research Article

Author Biographies

Palwasha Kakar, Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University Quetta

Department of Management

Abdul Raziq, Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University Quetta

Department of Management Science

Faisal Khan, University of Swat

Center for Management and Commerce

How to Cite

Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention: A Case of Banking Sector in Quetta Baluchistan. (2017). Journal of Management Info, 4(3), 5-11.


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