Preliminary Study of the Impact of Critical Success Factors on Project Success in Pakistan

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Aqeel Ahmed
Muhammad Sehail Younis


This preliminary study attempts to link among the critical success factors on overall project success in public sector organizations in Pakistan.  In this study it’s reflected that major critical success factors (soundness of Business & workforce, planning & control, quality performance and past performance) can enhance the success of the project in Pakistan.  The purpose of this preliminary study was to verify the reliability of the survey instrument which has been used in European countries. It was found that the planning & control was the highest Cronbach Alpha value, while the ranged for each constructs in the present study from 0.68 to 0.88.  Therefore, based on the Cronbach alpha value score, the proposed survey instrument has fulfilled the basic requirement of a valid instrument.


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Research Article

Author Biography

Aqeel Ahmed, Lahore Leads University

Department of Business Administration

How to Cite

Preliminary Study of the Impact of Critical Success Factors on Project Success in Pakistan. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 1(4), 9-13.


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