Willingness of Gamified Recruitment and Selection among Job Seekers of Sindh, Pakistan

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Mahrukh Khan
Hira Rehman Shaikh
Ahmed Mustafa Memon
Abdul Ghafoor Kazi


Technology advancement has made recruitment and selection process more efficient in the contemporary age. “Gamified Recruitment” is an innovative approach towards this process. Gamification uses game elements (simulations, board games etc.) to judge the cognitive potential of an applicant. The use of gamified recruitment surged up in Pakistan form late 2015, companies (PTCL, Nestle and Shan Foods) has been recruiting employees for their management trainee programs specifically but the scope of gamification is not measured academically in the perspective of the job seekers. This research focuses on the scope of gamified recruitment in view of job seekers of Sindh Pakistan. Quantitative approach was to collect the data using an adopted questionnaire. The research was conducted through E-survey using Ad-Hoc sampling, total 118 responses were collected. Data was analyzed through descriptive and frequency analysis using mean and standard deviation scores. The results of the research showed low scope of gamified recruitment among respondents. Majority of females viewed gamification as an entertainment rather than an effective tool for recruitment, whereas, male respondents were of positive view-point. The respondents viewed reliability as potential advantage and stress as the disadvantage of gamified recruitment. It can be concluded that since “Gamified Recruitment” is a new concept in Sindh, Pakistan, therefore, it will gain popularity on a gradual basis. This research opens further room for research on this novel concept utilization across the country.


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Willingness of Gamified Recruitment and Selection among Job Seekers of Sindh, Pakistan. (2024). Journal of Management Info, 6(4), 15-22. https://doi.org/10.31580/jmi.v6i4.1156


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