The Role of Composting in Sustainable Waste Management: A Comprehensive Review in the Context of Pakistann
Composting, Organic waste, Soil health, Sustainable waste management, PakistanAbstract
Composting, a method of solid waste management, involves the decomposition of organic waste and is a more sustainable alternative to landfills and incineration. Unlike these methods, which release harmful gases like CO₂ and methane, contributing to the greenhouse effect, and potentially spreading diseases and contaminating groundwater through bioleaching, composting is safer. The heat and acidic environment generated during composting minimize the risk of disease spread, especially when proper precautions are followed. Composting methods are broadly classified into aerobic and anaerobic processes. Aerobic composting includes techniques like windrow composting, where organic matter is arranged in piles, watered, and regularly turned. Vermicomposting, another aerobic method, uses worms to break down waste, producing nutrient-rich fertilizer as a byproduct.
This study focuses on composting, examining the role of microbes and insects in the process, as well as the effects of compost on soil health, plant growth, human health, and crop yields. Additionally, it highlights the challenges of bringing compost products to market in Pakistan and the need to raise awareness among farmers about the long-term damage caused by chemical fertilizers, which ultimately degrade soil quality—a critical issue in Pakistan.
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