Microbial Worth in Food Industry


  • Saba Khan Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan-60800, Pakistan
  • Rabeea Sardar Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, The Women University Multan
  • Waqar Zaib Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture, Multan 60800, Pakistan
  • Rabia Yaqoob Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, The Women University Multan




Microorganisms; Food fermentation; Microbial enzymes; Food industry; Food protection.


Efficient microorganisms such as molds and yeast play an important role in the improvement of the taste and essence of different food items or their ingredients. These efficient microbes or trained microorganisms have a well-known fermentative limit. Cyanobacteria were the first microorganism that emerged on the earth have potential abilities or applications in biotechnology such as in food biotechnology or the food industry. The employment of a Microbial people group in biotechnology now increasing persistently. In food generation, the exploitation of a Microbial people group is very helpful and in counteraction of illness and its cure. Individuals have adequate means for the exploitation of food that is easily susceptible to the characteristic Microbial maturation. The traditional foods in China have a very long-lasting history. Vegetables, beans, grains, and milk are supposed to be unrefined resources employed for maturation, carrying a stock of old items such as conventional matured or developed soy sauce, Chinese alcohol, and vinegar. Food quality and safety are very important at the global level because it affects the welfare, economy, and exchange. Unconceivable information about microbes and growth at their subatomic level is very important for the planning and enhancement of the production of appropriate matured Foods that are full of nutrients.  The larger part of the microbes that are used as Food ingredients or Food added substances that have a long history of their harmless use in the production of food. The microbial enzymes also play an important role in the production or processing of different foods. In the food industry, different types of food fermentation are carried out by a variety of microbes or microbial enzymes. Yeast and lactic acid bacteria play a vital role in the food industry. Different food processing technologies are used for the protection of food.




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