Contaminated Waste Water Irrigation and its Impacts on Human Health


  • Nazmeen Musa Khan Department of Microbiology, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan
  • Arifa Bano Chemistry department. University of Balochistan, Quetta.
  • Ghulam Ishaq Khan Department of Microbiology, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan
  • Fazal-ur-Rehman Department of Microbiology, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan



Bioremediation, Wastewater, Food toxicity


Water is the basic need of life and an important component in agricultural practices. Microorganisms are present in the irrigation water, are easy transferred to humans through the consumption of these vegetables becoming the source of illness in many cases of foodborne diseases. The leafy vegetables are more risky for the human as the leaves of the plants contains a greater amount of microorganisms and consumption of fresh leafy plants are susceptible to cause illness in human beings. Wastewater contaminated food cause toxicity. Microorganisms are present in sewage water used for irrigation, which is the most common practices. Water is mostly contaminated with the heavy metals causes many diseases such as lung cancer, allergic reaction , gastrointestinal, abnormalities of the skeletal system, kidney damage, prostate, skin rash, nose irritations, genetic material alteration, liver and kidney damage, weakened immune system , biochemical effects in humans, synthesis of  hemoglobin etc. some of the microorganism are highly resistant towards the heavy metals and resist in the presence of heavy metals.

Bioremediation can be obtained, uses microorganisms to modify toxic pollutants to obtain energy and biomass production in the process. This kind of process is termed as bioremediation uses microorganisms for degradation of pollutants.


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