Master block pattern development for fit evaluation based on adult female anthropometric data and body shapes using Telestia-AB patternmaking system


  • Norsaadah Zakaria Faculty of Innovation & Technology, The Design School, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
  • Rosita Mohd Tajuddin Faculty of Art and Design, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia



Anthropometric Data, Upper and Lower Body Measurements Tables, Body Shape Analysis and Size Cluster


Developing well-fit garments is relevant in the garment industry, especially to achieve the quality of corporate uniform wear. A garment that looks good must also fit the body. The first process for garment fitting is to develop the body pattern that acts as the form for body shape before translating it to the desired garment design. Thus, the focus of this study is to construct a good master block pattern that fit the body well. Size, shape, and proportions are considered factors that contribute to a well-fitted garment. This study involves anthropometric study, master block development, pattern assembly onto fabric, basic garment constructions, and fitting analytics. The fit analytics are a relevant part of a fit evaluation to model the best method to develop body patterns and wear analysis for each individual for better-fit garment consumption. The conclusion showed that using sophisticated Telestia-AB tools and Telestia body key dimensions expedites the process of body block pattern for fit evaluation. The wear trial process is to determine how the bodice block fits before transforming it into the design pattern for corporate wear. This research concludes that developing a proper body pattern based on the anthropometric data is crucial as the fit of the garment is achievable with the right pattern-making system and skillset.

Author Biographies

  • Norsaadah Zakaria, Faculty of Innovation & Technology, The Design School, Taylor’s University, Malaysia

    The Design School, Taylor’s University, Malaysia

  • Rosita Mohd Tajuddin, Faculty of Art and Design, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia

    Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia


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