Theoretical research of the process of separating impurities from cotton flow on the vibrating inclined mesh surface


  • Salokhiddinova Makhliyo Nurmukhammad Qizi Department of Technology of Initial Processing Natural Fibers, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan
  • Rustam Muradov Department of Technology of Initial Processing Natural Fibers, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan



Raw Cotton, Raw Cotton Layer, Inclined Mesh Surface, Angle, Length of a Tray; Volume Compression, Provided Density, Cleaning Efficiency, Raw Cotton Delivery


The theoretical and experimental analysis of movement processes of raw cotton on the inclined surface (a tray) is given in the article and different factors influencing cotton cleaning process are studied. Based on developed models, there is an opportunity to determine the efficiency of raw cotton being cleaned under different angles of the inclined plane and the change in its volume. It was observed that pattern of change in coefficient of cotton cleaning efficiency by time as a result of vibration of a tray is closely dependent on compression module  and increase in cleaning efficiency was observed.

Author Biography

  • Rustam Muradov, Department of Technology of Initial Processing Natural Fibers, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan

    Department of Technology of Initial Processing Natural Fibers


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