Integrating Project Based Learning into Woodwork Technology Education in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions
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Project based learning (PoBL) is a constructivism learning approach that focuses around student centred learning. PoBL has been found to be effective in different tertiary institutions of learning across the globe. However, in spite the effectiveness of PoBL, it has not been adopted in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effective strategies for integrating PoBL in teaching and learning Woodwork Technology Education (WTE) at tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Three research questions were posed in this study. A mixed method approach involving both quantitative and qualitative method was employed for the study. The sample of the study comprised 50 in-service postgraduate students from Nigerian tertiary institutions studying Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the quantitative aspect, and 9 in-service post graduate students for the qualitative part. A 16-item structured questionnaire was used for quantitative data collection while semi structured interview was used for qualitative data collection. Data was analyse using the SPSS software version 24 to analyse quantitative data and NVIVO 12 was used for qualitative data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that traditional instructional approach is the predominant method used in teaching and learning WTE at tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It was also revealed from the findings that PoBL encourage student ownership of learning, enhances students critical thinking, effective collaboration and communication. The findings from the study also revealed that restructuring of WTE curriculum at tertiary institutions in Nigeria to focus on a learner centred approach, as well as organising seminars and workshops for WTE lecturers to be acquainted with the application of PoBL in WTE teaching and learning were among the effective strategies for integrating PoBL in teaching and learning WTE at tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Finally, this paper calls for the integration of PoBL into the teaching and learning of WTE at Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of education in Nigeria for effectiveness in skills acquisition.
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