A Phonological Property of Syllable Structure and Economy in Urdu: An OT Account

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Dedy Suhery
Happy Sri Rezeki Purba
Mohammad Hamid Raza
khairun nisah



 This paper contains the phonological properties of the syllable structures and the economical procedures of the words in the Urdu language. The paper determines the behavior of certain segments that attach to its own neighboring words and elaborates the economy of the syllable structure of tokens in a particular language. In Urdu, there are various types of segmental processes in terms of addition or deletion of phonemes that affects to root and alters the entire physical mechanism structure of words. The objectives of this paper are to know the exact economic conditions of syllable structures in the words after the addition or elision of segments in the Urdu language. All the process of conflicts between the segments will manipulate by the help of constraint rankings in Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky, 1993). The general purpose of this paper is to reveal the whole criteria of implications of principles of Optimality theory and explore the actual framework of syllables with their marginal and obligatory components. The researcher governs the phonological property of consonant clusters with the help of faithfulness constraints and markedness constraints. The architecture of root word completely varies from the artificial formulation of other words, but after the imposition of constraints, we reveal the concrete fact of linguistic items in a specific language. The groundwork of this paper leads to the systematic phenomena of epenthesis and elimination of vowels or consonants with the tenets of OT. In this study, the researcher conveys the representations of consonant clusters and how the adjacent consonants parse by the effect of the extraneous segment in the syllable structure of words. The researcher considers the typology of the syllable structure of words and the phonological observations of linguistic features. This paper deals with the gradient property of segments that alters the framework of underlying form and affected by some other features at the surface form. The generalization of each step of the syllable structure of words should be related to the positional variation of input and output candidates. The conflicts between input and output candidates to become the winner as an optimal candidate can be solved only on the presence of constraint rankings that are evolving in the Optimality Theory. The central idea of this paper delineated the reflection of surface forms that create conflicts between other candidates, solve only through the use of constraints of Optimality Theory. A surface form may be optimal in the sense of least serious violations of a set of violable constraints in a language hierarchy of constraints. It is considered that syllable structure with the phonological and phonetic representation of forms is the major ingredient generalization of the structure of words in a particular language. It is a crucial aspect of a sequence of segments to organize in a well-formed structure after the intervention of vowels and consonants because syllable governs the account of epenthesis and elimination process. In the pattern of sequence of segments in the syllables, there is the process of epenthesis and deletion of phonemes that creates a new wave of segmental processes. This paper determines the syllabic well-formedness turn out of instantiation that refers to the conflicts between faithfulness and well-formedness structure of words regarding the syllables. The range of syllables and the economic property of words in the individual languages rise by the interactions of well-formedness and faithfulness constraints. The basic provision of this paper is to know the precise nature of the typology of the syllable structure in the words and explores how OT captures the well-formedness constraints of input and output candidates. Our whole discussion in this paper will draw on the typological representation of Optimality Theory and the logical results of Prince and Smolensky (1993) that are transposed into a correspondence format. After the analysis of the structural typology of syllables and epenthesis in the Urdu language, we will develop the factorial typology of syllabic well-formedness and faithfulness constraints in the words. We will elaborate on the major factors of constraints and epenthesis at the level of cross-linguistic properties of a particular language. In this study, we will learn how a range of phonological factors of syllable structures triggered by the markedness constraints that is depending on the formal features of faithfulness constraints. It is investigated that unity and diversity at the level of syllable structure are oriented by OT due to the interaction between deep and surface forms to mark the constraints in various repair strategies. It is the process of relating the ranking of different faithfulness constraints with the result of the typological observation of candidates. This paper determines that the factorial typology of the syllable structure of words is based on the Correspondence Theory (McCarthy and Prince 1995) that is a sub-theory of faithfulness constraints allowing a limited set of structural changes such as; addition, deletion, insertion, fusion, featural changes, etc. The central goal of this paper is to shed light on the core behavior of OT principles that are applied to the syllables of the words to find out the exact tokens of a particular language. It is examined that the universality of constraint rankings is sketched by the application of linguistic theory with the notions of ‘possible grammatical processes' and possible interactions of processes'. Some experts provided the values of syllable structures with the tenets of OT as the unmarked value for open or closed syllables. It is a type of assumption that some languages may or may not be open syllables (CV) and closed syllables (VC), while the notion of universality represents all aspects of syllables in all existing languages. This paper reveals that the notion of markedness constraints and faithfulness constraints is not only relevant to the sound system but also proposes to the syllable structure of words and their economy in a particular language. In addition to that, I also apply some better-known arguments originally adduce in support of constraint rankings.

Keywords: Optimality Theory; Syllable Structure; Economy; Segmental Processes; Syllable Typology


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