Development Of The Blended Learning Model Of The Data System Of Data Basis In Faculty Of Computer Science, Banten Jaya University

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Rustam Effendi
Robinson Situmorang
Jhoni Lagun Siang


This study aims to develop a database system product as a learning system teaching material with the application of e-learning. The method used in this study is the method of research and development (R & D). The development model used is the Dick and Carry Instructional Development Model. The steps for developing learning materials begin with needs analysis and formulation of objectives, instructional analysis, identifying early learner behaviors and characteristics, writing specific instructional objectives, writing benchmark reference tests, developing learning strategies, developing instructional materials, designing and implementing formative evaluations, revisions, obtaining desired instructional system. In general conclusions, validation from learning design experts 93%, material experts 95% and media experts 94% so recommending learning materials can be used. In individual trials 91.95%, small group trials 92.24% and in the 92.82% field trials, the database system teaching materials are feasible to be developed using e-learning models. Then the basic competencies to be achieved and indicators of the presentation of material on learning materials and e-learning programs in the database system subjects have been very good and easily understood by students.

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