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Majority of educational institutions have begun venturing into e-learning. Although the e-learning market is growing rapidly, it cannot be denied that the failure rates are increasing in the implementation and usage of e-learning. The Critical Success Factors (CSFs) are the foundation of success behind the implementation of e-learning (Frimpon (2012). Based on the literature analisis, five main factors and eighteen sub-factors were identified as a CSFs for successful e-learning implementation. The CSFs are teacher’s characteristics (teacher's attitude, teacher's computing technical skills, interaction among teaches-students, teaching style, knowledge in e-learning content development and self-efficacy), student’s characteristics (attitude, computer competency, interaction, self-efficacy, motivation and cultural and social norms), information technology infrastructure (internet accessibility, reliability and availability), design and content (perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness) and organization characteristics (training and support).
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