Online Food Delivery Service Quality: Does Personal Innovativeness Matter?
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The emergent of online food delivery (OFD) industry is valued as a new channel in food industry in order to grab more sales and shares and has promoted the competitiveness among the OFD players. Therefore, a sufficient understanding of the nature of the online service industry is very important for service providers in this emerging market. This study attempts to discover the characteristics and necessities of this online service. Using adapted questionnaire from M-S-QUAL (Huang et al., 2015), this study aims to examine the relationships between customers perceived service quality of online food delivery (OFD) and its influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty, moderated by personal innovativeness. The study proposed six hypothesis and results indicated the positive relationships between service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Whilst customer satisfaction partially mediates service quality and customer loyalty, personal innovativeness has a negative moderating effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
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