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Indonesia is one of the country's largest Coconut producer and exporter in the world market. The management efforts of Indonesia coconut not optimal, coconut export is still largely in the form of primary products, a type of derivative products coconut produced Indonesia is still limited. But in general, this research aims to analyze the Export Competitiveness of coconut Indonesia in international markets, specifically aims to analyze the position and competitiveness of Indonesia coconut commodities in the international market. Methods of data analysis using Trade Specialization Index (TSI), the analysis Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), and the Constant Market Share analysis (CMS). The results showed that during the period of 2005-2016, the development of supply and demand are relatively unstable and likely to rise. TSI values during the period of 2005-2016 have the value positive that shows that Indonesia is a country exporting coconut and belongs into the categories of very mature in the international market, indicated by the average value of the TSI of 1.00. The value of the RCA during the period of 2005-2016 have a value above 1 indicating that Indonesia Coconut has a comparative advantage for the commodity. While the analysis results in CMS during the period of 2005-2016 based on the four effects shows that the competitiveness of coconut Indonesia influenced by standard growth effects and efficient distribution where the coconut export growth in Indonesia is affected by the growth of coconut import world.
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