The Mediation Model of Interrelationships among 4 C’s of Work Environment, Employee Performance and Organizational Performance in Pakistani organizations
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Objective and subjective aspects of Individual and Organizational performances (Valmohammadi & Roshanzamir, 2015) has been focus of research arena at number of instances to conclude about micro, meso and macro level phenomenas within organziations. This study aims to provide a unique outlook on 4 C’s of work environment (meso) and their interrelationship with Organizational Performance through i-e individual performance (micro). Career planning, Consultative management, Communication and Culture (performance oriented) are taken as 4 important C’s, constituting a comprehensive whole of Work environment. The study proposed two research hypotheses. Data was collected through 5 point Likert scale questionnaires, from 297 employees of 42 manufacturing and services sector firms in Pakistan. Bivariate Pearson’s Correlation, Preacher and Hayes Process v 3.0, Model 4, and Bootstrapping is used for data analysis. Results indicate that all four C’s of work environment have strong positive correlation with organziational perfomance through individual performance acting as a mediator.
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