Factors Affecting The digital Development of The Economy in Western Sumatra

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siti rahmi
Poppy Fauziati
Erni Febrina Harahap
Neva Novianti


This study aims to provide empirical evidence about the analysis of digital economic development in West Sumatra in supporting national economic growth. The variables tested in determining supporting the development of the digital economy are variables that have an influence on national economic growth. The statistical method used to test the hypothesis of this study is the classical assumption and multiple regression test. The results of this study indicate that an increase in the number of E-entrepreneurship in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra, is able to give a significant overall effect on national economic growth which is 0.002%. The hypothesis results indicate that the value of digital transactions has a significant effect on national economic growth, but the development of business and development the digital market is not yet significant because it is bigger than alpha 5%. This indicates that in the implementation there are still many challenges faced, especially related to the absorption of skilled workers and can support the e-entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the strength of e-entrepreneurship in the digital economy in order to encourage national economic growth.

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