Empowering Whistleblowers: How United States Qui Tam Provisions Can Be Used in Malaysia
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Whistleblowing, once seen as a negative connotation, has now been embraced as a tool in order to uncover and combat misconduct. Those who partake in this endeavour are known as whistleblowers. Whistleblowers reveal wrongdoings within an institution to the public or to those who hold positions of authority. Whistleblowers ensure that these institutions be held accountable for their wrongful actions, as though there are laws to punish corporate wrongdoings, it might be useless if the wrongful acts are not discovered in the first place. (Oransky, 2018). With whistleblowing, this could help in almost guaranteeing that corporate misconduct would not go unpunished.To blow the whistle is never an easy decision to make, as there are risks of detrimental actions, or worse, againts the whistleblowers. (Westervelt, 2018). Hence, the introduction of whistleblower rewards would dull the sting of backlash, as well as ensuring that deserving whistleblowers receive the compensation that they deserve.
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Jones, Aled, 2016, The Role of Employee Whistleblowing and Raising Concerns in an Organizational Learning Culture – Elusive and Laudable?, International Journal Health Policy Management, Volume 5(1), pp. 67-69.
King, Granville, 1999, “The Implications of An Organization’s Culture on Whistleblowingâ€, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 20, No 4, p. 325.
Westervelt, Eric, 2018, For Veterans Affairs Whistleblowers, a Culture of Fear and Retaliation, http://www.wbur.org/npr/601127245/for-va-whistleblowers-a-culture-of-fear-and-retaliation, 21 Jun 2018, (accessed on 18 November, 2018).
Oransky, Ivan, 2018, How institutions gaslight whistleblowers and what can be done, 30 July, https://retractionwatch.com/2018/07/30/how-institutions-gaslight-whistleblowers-and-what-can-be-done/, (accessed on 18 November, 2018).