The Role of Consumers' Perception on Labels and Packaging Towards Healthy Foods
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Healthy food can be perceived by looking at the label and packaging of the healthy food. Nutrition Claims and Nutrition Information printed as a labels and packaging of the healthy food. Nutrition Claims such as "Cholesterol Free" normally presented at the front of the healthy foods' package while nutrition information presented in a table with detailed information and printed at the back of the healthy foods' package. Previous researchers indicated that nutrition claims tends to be well received by consumers (Grunert, Wills & Fernandez-Celemin, 2010) compared to nutrition information. It seems that nutrition information seldom be useful to the customers. This is because nutrition information difficult to understand. However, nutrition information shows more detailed information regarding the product. Both nutrition claim and nutrition information printed as a label of the healthy foods' packaging. Besides that, colour of the packaging also plays an important role of the consumer perceptions towards healthy product. Label and packaging plays an important role for consumers’ perception. Nutrition information and nutrition claim that are appeared at the label and the colour of the packaging can model the consumers' perception on healthy food. This study will investigate the importance of nutrition information, nutrition claim and colour of the label and packaging towards consumers' perception on healthy foods. Data and survey will be conducted at Melaka, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Johor. Quantitative method will be used in this study. This study will conclude that which independence variable most influenced the consumer perceptions towards healthy product.