The Internal Environment and Basic Requirement Policy on the Performance of Retirement Homes
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This study aims to examine the relationships between the internal environment (IERH), basic requirement policy (PRRH), and the performance of retirement homes (PRH). 205 out of 400 questionnaires returned and used for the study. The three variables under study were IERH (8 items), the PRRH (6 items), and PRH (8 items). Reliability analysis was run and all three variables showed high Cronbach Alpha values ranging from 0.83 to 0.87 thus indicating high reliability. The findings of the Pearson Correlation analysis suggested that the relationship between IERH and PRH is r=0.80**; p=0.00, while the relationship between the PRRH and PRH is r=0.63**; p=0.00. The findings suggested that there was a positive and significant relationship between PRH with IERH and PRRH. IERH had a strong positive relationship with the PRH. In terms of the relationship between IERH and PRRH, there was a positive and a moderate relationship (r=0.54**; p=0.00). Hence, in order to promote good performance, a RH must ensure that the IERH either meets or exceeds the expectations of the tenants and fulfils the basic requirements of PRRH.