Abstract ID : AIMC-2020-EBM-529 Do Students in Engineering Universities behave like Employees/Co-workers? Exploring Relationship of Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Behaviors among Engineering Students.
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This study explores the relationships between Islamic Work Ethics (IWE), workaholism (WA) and positive and negative Organizational Behaviors (OBs) amongst Engineering Students. Most of the researchers have studied OBs and ethics among faculty or administrative staff in universities. Study of these behaviors among students is a novel area of research. This study proposes an integrated framework of Islamic Work Ethics (IWE), Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), Constructive and Destructive Deviant Behaviors, and workaholism (WA) with the productivity (CGPA) of engineering students and empirically investigates the relationship between productivity, behaviors and ethics and moderating effect of IWE on the relationship of OCB and productivity of engineering students using Preacher and Hayes Technique. This research makes a number of significant contributions: (1) organizational behaviors are explored among engineering students which were previously studied among faculty members/employees only (2) a model of behaviors, ethics, WA and productivity is prepared using hierarchical regression which was not available in literature. The findings and implications are discussed along with future research guidelines. The findings here are important for practitioners and scholars for better understanding of relationship of OBs, WA and ethics with the productivity of engineering students in order to enhance their productivity through promotion of desired behaviors amongst them.