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Marina Wamilia
Jono M. Munandar
Ujang Sumarwan


Indonesia face the biggest democratic party, the presidential election in 2019. There are two candidates, Number 01 (Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin) and Number 02(Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno). Increasing the number of voters from previous elections will certainly be a challenge for each candidate to win the hearts of the people with a political marketing approach that is by understanding the characteristics and behavior of the people in decision making. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence voter perceptions in Java Island regarding the situation of presidential election 2019. Candidates conducted political marketing approach by doing research to understand the perception of voters. The data retrieval method is quota sampling technique. Data was collected using an online questionnaire with the object of respondents are Indonesian citizens, domiciled in Java Island and have voting rights in presidential election 2019. The processing and analysis of data uses logistic regression analysis with SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 23. Statistical test results show that voter perception based on price, leadership, agricultural orientation, positioning and the decision to choose electronic Customer Relationship Management approach (pre-purchase aspect and at-purchase aspect) significant effect on the chosen candidate.

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