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Tuti Suartini Suartini


Increasing the interest and willingness of students to learn a material was  determined from the behavior of students in used  information communication technology. The learning model developed was a cooperative learning model based on Blended Learnng. Utilization of information technology, by not leaving the pattern of direct guidance from instructors and the used of learning resources to improve literacy mastery of abilities in technology and engineering became important. The Research and Development (R&D) procedure used Blended learning cooperative learning model design in the form of online and face-to-face learning for ICT literacy subjects and learning media in the experimental and control classes. Blended Learning based cooperative learning models were carried out with scenarios namely offering participation in the experimental class, forming learning groups, and learning activities (lecturers, group tutor teams, students, evaluations). The purpose of this research is to get the quality of learning activities. In stage I, students were offered to take the experimental class and the Control class. The study was conducted by 16 students be taken for experimental classes and 21 be taken for  control classes. Based on the results of the study showed that the level  of mastery of  literacy of ICT and media (n-gain) learning in the experimental class was higher than the control class.

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